In a world and social climate that can often overlook uniqueness and individualism, this rhetoric still remains: “the best person to be is you”. Think about it, there is only one you in the universe, and that within itself deserves some credibility and due praise. Even if you currently might not feel that you are at your best, there is still time to become the person that you want to become. Hope is not lost, and you can still strive to be the best person that you can be, because there is still breath in your body. If you are fortunate enough to wake up another day, there are another 24 hours for you to chase your dreams and go after what you want. As a current student at Michigan State University on a campus with over 50,000 people, it was important that I find myself and identify my interests earlier rather than later. I did this simply through writing out some of my interests and goals that I wanted to accomplish during and after college. With so many organizations and opportunities available on campus, it was important to just get involved and see how my interests matched up with I had written. Through the theoretical (writing out my interests & goals) and practical (getting involved with organizations), I was able to develop a better understanding for my passion.
Finding your passion starts with finding your lane and carving your own niche. Although popular social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter provide entertainment and thought provoking information, it can also glamourize expensive lifestyles while perpetuating instant gratification. This can lead to people trying many different things but quitting when things get hard due to the expectation of overnight success. Instant gratification is a misplaced fallacy, and the saying “all good things take time” reigns true in response to this. Just like yourself and your own growth, all good things take time, but finding your passion provides a better understanding of exactly why you persevere through the inevitable difficult times that transpire as you chase your dreams and find yourself.
If you are still in the developmental stage or have not started to think about your dreams and what you want, then you have come to the right place. A first step for finding your dreams and purpose would be to just write out things that you are interested in and then getting involved in different things. Don’t let your current circumstances or where you are at currently in life define you, because you can always grow and achieve the goals that you want to achieve.
The goal for me is to continue to have a sound mind, body, and soul. Below are some personal recommendations that I currently follow in order to chase my dreams and become the person that I want to become:
Some Helpful Strategies for Finding Purpose:
Journaling (Writing out what is important)
Personal Fitness (Running & pushups)
Reading (Anything from educational articles to financial literacy articles)
Blogging (Using this website as an avenue for other people)
So find your purpose, because we all have one, and it is there!!